Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Impulse

This scene takes place on a airplane. Two strangers sitting next to each other. Starts with the man trying to get to his seat.

M: Excuse me.
W: Ugh...
M: Sorry, didn't men to hit you.
W: Yeah....right.
M: Do you happen to know the time?
W: Yes.
(awkward silence)
M: Would you mind telling me the time?
W: Its 7.
M: Thank you.
Flight Attendant: Could I get you guys something to drink?
M: Ladies first.
W: I'll have a water.
M: Same here.
F.A.: I'll be back with those.

F.A.: Here's your water miss, and for you sir.
M: Oh! I am so sorry. That was not on purpose. Here, let me help you.
W: DO NOT TOUCH ME! I can do it myself. Can I get another seat, somewhere far from here?
F.A.: Let me see what I can do. It seems we have some room up front, if you would just follow me.
W: Finally, I can get away from him!
M: ha ha, now I have the row to myself.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bad Poetry:

The wind goes through me
Never go away
It is time for tea
Ouch! Its hot!
Burned my tongue

I'm flying through the air
It is all I can do
Never go away
Its like walking
Too much to say

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Direct Orders: Rock Out!

ROCK OUT! Rock out like your on vacation. Like you just won a million dollars. Rock out like your favorite song just came on the radio. Rock out like you just got a brand spankin new car! Like you just aced your finals. Rock out like school just got out for the summer. Like your favorite team just won. Like you just found $20 dollars in your pocket. Rock out like your eating the best meal EVER! Rock out like your on top of the world. Like your at the BEST concert ever! Rock out like a rocking chair. Like your kid sister on Christmas morning. Rock out like you are the ROCKER!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Shake The Dust

This is for the under paid hard workers
This is for the toy that never got played with
For the girl who was kidnapped in her sleep
This is for the young pregnant girl you once played with as a kid
For the guy that broke his foot in last nights game
For all the victims of drunk drivers
This is for the embarrassed and depressed
This is for Tommy, the boy with the bruise across his check
For the people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
Shake the dust
This is for the teacher you had, but could never understand
This is for the people who are reaching out of a helping hand
For that old man, trying to be young
This is for the women who went overboard with their plastic surgery
For the teachers pet, constantly trying to impress
For the broken hearts left unfixed
This for the guy bending down, with his butt crack peeping out
Shake the dust
In this rough world, its hard to get it right
Don't let the little things get you down
Or the bigger things with crush you
Shake the dust off your worries
Tomorrow is another day